Indian Reorganization Act Documents
Indian Reorganization Act
Era Constitutions and Charters
- Composite Indian Reorganization Act for
Alaska (1936)
- Constitution and By-Laws of the Akiachak
Native Community (1948)
- Corporate Charter of the Akiachak
Native Community Alaska (1948)
- Constitution and By-Laws of the Akiak
Native Community (1949)
- Corporate Charter of the Akiak
Native Community Alaska (1949)
- Constitution and Bylaws of the Aleut
Community of St. Paul Island Alaska (1950)
- Corporate Charter of the Aleut Community
of St. Paul Island Alaska (1950)
- Constitution and By-Laws of the Angoon
Community Association Alaska (1939)
- Corporate Charter of the Angoon
Community Association Alaska (1939)
- Constitution and By-Laws of the Native
Village of Atka Alaska (1939)
- Corporate Charter of the Native Village
of Atka Alaska (1939)
- Constitution and By-Laws of the Native
Village of Barrow (1940)
- Corporate Charter of the Native Village
of Barrow (1940)
- Constitution and By-Laws of the Native
Village of Buckland Alaska (1950)
- Corporate Charter of the Native Village of
Buckland Alaska (1950)
- Constitution and By-Laws of the Native
Village of Chanega (1940)
- Corporate Charter of the Native Village
of Chanega (1940)
- Constitution and By-Laws of the
Chilkat Indian Village (1941)
- Corporate Charter of the Chilkat Indian
Village (1941)
- Constitution and By-Laws Chilkat Indian
Village (1941)
- Constitution and By-Laws of the Chilkoot
Indian Association (1941)
- Corporate Charter of the Chilkoot
Indian Association (1941)
- Constitution and By-Laws of the Craig
Community Association of Craig, Alaska (1938)
- Corporate Charter of the Craig
Community Association of Craig, Alaska (1938)
- Constitution and By-Laws of the Native
Village of Deering (1945)
- Corporate Charter of the Native Village
of Deering, Alaska (1945)
- Constitution and By-Laws of the Native
Village of Diomede (1940)
- Corporate Charter of the Native Village
of Diomede, Alaska (1940)
- Constitution and By-Laws of the Douglas
Indian Association Territory of Alaska (1941)
- Corporate Charter of the Douglas
Indian Association Territory of Alaska (1941)
- Constitution and By-Laws of the Native
Village of Elim, Alaska (1939)
- Corporate Charter of the Native Village
of Elim, Alaska (1939)
- Constitution and By-Laws Native Village
of Fort Yukon, Alaska (1940)
- Corporate Charter of the Native Village
of Fort Yukon, Alaska (1940)
- Constitution and By-Laws of the Native
Village of Gambell (1939)
- Corporate Charter of the Native Village
of Gambell (1939)
- Constitution and By-Laws of the Organized
Village of Holikachuk, Alaska (1948)
- Corporate Charter of the Organized
Village of Holikachuk, Alaska (1948)
- Constitution and By-Laws of the Hoonah
Indian Association Alaska (1939)
- Corporate Charter of the Hoonah
Indian Association Alaska (1939)
- Constitution and By-Laws of the Hydaburg
Cooperative Association (1938)
- Corporate Charter of the Hydaburg
Cooperative Association Alaska (1938)
- Constitution and By-Laws of the Organized
Village of Kake, Alaska (1947)
- Corporate Charter of the Organized
Village of Kake, Alaska (1948)
- Constitution and By-Laws of the Native
Village of Kanatak (1941)
- Corporate Charter of the Native Village
of Kanatak (1941)
- Constitutions and By-Laws of the Native
Village of Karluk, Alaska (1939)
- Corporate Charter of the Native Village
of Karluk, Alaska (1939)
- Constitution and By-Laws of the Organized
Village of Kasaan, Alaska (1939)
- Corporate Charter of the Organized
Village of Kasaan, Alaska (1938)
- Constitution and By-Laws of the Ketchikan
Indian Community (1940)
- Corporate Charter of the Ketchikan
Indian Corporation Alaska (1940)
- Constitution and By-Laws of the King
Island Native Community Alaska (1939)
- Corporate Charter of the King Island
Native Community Alaska (1939)
- Constitution and By-Laws of the Native
Village of Kivalina (1940)
- Corporate Charter of the Native Village
of Kivalina (1940)
- Constitution and By-Laws of the Klawock
Cooperative Association Alaska (1938)
- Corporate Charter of the Klawock
Cooperative Association (1938)
- Constitution and By-Laws of the Native
Village of Kotzebue, Alaska (1939)
- Corporate Charter of the Native Village
of Kotzebue, Alaska (1939)
- Constitution and By-Laws of the Native
Village of Koyuk (1946)
- Corporate Charter of the Native Village
of Koyuk, Alaska (1946)
- Constitution and By-Laws of the Organized
Village of Kwethluk (1940)
- Corporate Charter of the Organized
Village of Kwethluk (1940)
- Constitution and By-Laws of the Native
Village of Kwinhagak (1948)
- Corporate Charter of the Native Village
of Kwinhagak (1948)
- Constitution and By-Laws Native Village of
Mekoryuk (1940)
- Corporate Charter of the Native Village
of Mekoryuk (1940)
- Constitution and By-Laws of the Metlakatla
Indian Community Annette Islands Reserve Alaska (1944)
- Corporate Charter of the Metlakatla
Indian Community (1944) and Amendment I (1949)
- Constitution and By-Laws of the Native
Village of Minto, Alaska (1939)
- Corporate Charter of the Native Village
of Minto, Alaska (1939)
- Constitution and By-Laws of the Native
Village of Napiak (1939)
- Corporate Charter of the Native Village of
Napakiak, Alaska (1946)
- Corporate Charter of the Native Village of
Nikolski, Alaska (1939)
- Constitution and By-Laws of the Native
Village of Nikolski, Alaska (1939)
- Constitution and By-Laws of the Nome
Eskimo Community Alaska (1939)
- Corporate Charter of the Nome Eskimo Community
Alaska (1939)
- Constitution and By-Laws of the Native
Village of Noatak (1939)
- Corporate Charter of the Native Village
of Noatak, Alaska (1939)
- Constitution and By-Laws of the Noorvik
Native Community Alaska (1939)
- Corporate Charter of the Noorvik Native
Community Alaska (1939)
- Constitution and By-Laws of the Native
Village of Nunapitchuk, Alaska (1940)
- Corporate Charter of the Native Village
of Nunapitchuk (1940)
- Constitution and By-Laws of the Native
Village of St. Michael, Alaska (1948)
- Corporate Charter of the Native Village
of St. Michael, Alaska (1948)
- Constitution and By-Laws of the Native
Village of Perryville, Alaska (1950)
- Corporate Charter of the Native Village
of Perryville, Alaska (1950)
- Constitution and By-Laws of the Petersburg
Indian Association Alaska (1948)
- Corporate Charter of the Petersburg
Indian Association Alaska (1948)
- Constitution and By-Laws of the Native
Village of Point Hope, Alaska (1940)
- Corporate Charter of the Native Village of
Point Hope, Alaska (1940)
- Constitution and By-Laws of the Native
Village of Point Lay (1939)
- Corporate Charter of the Native Village of
Point Lay, Alaska (1939)
- Constitution and By-Laws of the Native
Village of Savoonga, Alaska (1940)
- Corporate Charter of the Native Village
of Savoonga, Alaska (1940)
- Constitution and By-Laws of the Organized
Village of Saxman (1941)
- Corporate Charter of the Organized
Village of Saxman (1941)
- Constitution and By-Laws of the Native
Village of Selawik, Alaska (1940)
- Corporate Charter of the Native Village
of Selawik, Alaska (1936)
- Constitution and By-Laws of the Shageluk
Native Village Alaska (1949)
- Corporate Charter of the Native Village of
Shageluk, Alaska (1949)
- Constitution and By-Laws of the Native
Village of Shaktoolik, Alaska (1940)
- Corporate Charter of the Native Village of
Shaktoolik, Alaska (1940)
- Constitution and By-Laws of the Native
Village of Shishmaref (1939)
- Corporate Charter of the Native Village
of Shishmaref (1939)
- Constitution and By-Laws of the Native
Village of Shungnak, Alaska (1946)
- Corporate Charter of the Native Village of
Shungnak, Alaska (1946)
- Constitution and By-Laws of the Sitka
Community Association Territory of Alaska (1938)
- Corporate Charter of the Sitka Community
Association Territory of Alaska (1938)
- Constitution and By-Laws of the
Stebbins Community Association Alaska (1939)
- Corporate Charter of the Stebbins
Community Association Alaska (1939)
- Constitution and By-Laws of the Native
Village of Stevens, Alaska (1939)
- Corporate Charter of the Native Village
of Stevens, Alaska (1939)
- Constitution and Bylaws of the Native
Village of Tanacross (1942)
- Corporate Charter of the Native Village
of Tanana, Alaska (1939)
- Constitution and By-Laws of the Native
Village of Tatitlek (1939)
- Corporate Charter of the Native Village
of Tatitlek, Alaska (1939)
- Constitution and By-Laws of the Native
Village of Tetlin, Alaska (1940)
- CorporateCharter of the Native Village of
Tetlin, Alaska (1940)
- Constitution and By-Laws of the Native
Village of Tununak, Alaska (1939)
- Corporate Charter of the Native Village
of Tununak, Alaska (1939)
- Constitution and By-Laws of the Native
Village of Tyonek, Alaska (1936)
- Corporate Charter of the Native Village
of Tyonek, Alaska (1939)
- Constitution and of the Native Village of
Unalakleet, Alaska (1939)
- Corporate Charter of the Native Village
of Unalakleet, Alaska (1939)
- Constitution and By-Laws of the Native
Village of Venetie, Alaska (1940)
- Corporate Charter of the Native Village of
Venetie, Alaska (1940)
- Constitution and By-Laws of the Native
Village of Wales, Alaska (1939)
- Corporate Charter of the Native Village
of Wales, Alaska (1939)
- Constitution and By-Laws of the Native
Village of White Mountain, Alaska (1939)
- Corporate Charter of the Native Village
of White Mountain, Alaska (1939)
- Constitution and By-Laws of the Wrangell
Cooperative Association Alaska (1942)
- Corporate Charter of the Wrangell
Cooperative Association Alaska (1942)
- Constitution and By-Laws of the Absentee-Shawnee Tribe
of Indians of Oklahoma (1938)
- Constitution and By-Laws of the Alabama
and Coushatta Tribes of Texas (1938)
- Corporate Charter of the Alabama and
Coushatta Tribes of Texas (1939)
- Constitution and By-Laws of the Alabama-Quassarte
Tribal Town Oklahoma (1939)
- Constitution and Bylaws of the Apache
Tribe of the Mescalero Reservation New Mexico (1936)
- Corporate Charter of the Apache Tribe
of the Mescalero Reservation New Mexico (1936)
- Constitution and By-Laws of the Jicarilla Apache
Tribe of the Jicarilla Apache Indian Reservation New Mexico (1937)
- Corporate Charter of the Jicarilla Apache Tribe
of the Jicarilla Reservation New Mexico (1937)
- Constitution and By-Laws of the San
Carlos Apache Tribe Arizona (1936)
- Amended Constitution and Bylaws of the San
Carlos Apache Tribe of Arizona (1954)
- Corporate Charter of the San Carlos Apache
Tribe Arizona (1940)
- Amended Corporate Charter of the of
the San Carlos Apache Tribe Arizona (1955)
- Constitution and By-Laws of the White
Mountain Apache Tribe of the Fort Apache Indian Reservation
Arizona (1938)
- Constitution and Bylaws of the Shoshone-Bannock
Tribes of the Fort Hall Reservation Idaho (1936)
- Constitution and By-Laws of the Bay
Mills Indian Community Michigan (1936)
- Corporate Charter of the Bay Mills
Indian Community Michigan (1937)
- Constitution and By-Laws of the Blackfeet
Tribe of the Blackfeet Indian Reservation Montana (1935)
- Corporate Charter of the Blackfeet Tribe
of the Blackfeet Indian Reservation Montana (1936)
- Constitution and By-Laws of the Caddo
Indian Tribe of Oklahoma (1938) and (Amendments of 1944 and 1956)
- Corporate Charter of the Caddo
Indian Tribe of Oklahoma (1938)
- Constitution and By-Laws of the Catawba
Indian Tribe of South Carolina (1944)
- Constitution and By-Laws of the United
Keetowah Band of Cherokee Indians Oklahoma (1950)
- Corporate Charter of the United Keetowah
Band of Cherokee Indians Oklahoma (1950)
- Constitution and Bylaws of the Northern
Cheyenne Tribe of the Tongue River Reservation (1935)
- Corporate Charter of the Northern Cheyenne
Tribe of the Tongue River Reservation Montana (1936)
- Constitution and By-Laws of the Cheyenne-Arapaho
Tribes of Oklahoma (1937)
- Constitution and Bylaws of the Bad
River Band of the Lake Superior Tribe of the Chippewa Indians
of the State of Wisconsin (1936)
- Corporate Charter of the Bad River
Band of Chippewa Indians of the Bad River Reservation
Wisconsin (1936)
- Constitution and Bylaws of the Red Cliff
Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Wisconsin (1936)
- Corporate Charter of the Red Cliff Band of
Lake Superior Chippewa Indians of the Red Cliff Reservation,
Wisconsin (1936)
- Amendment I. Corporate Charter of the
Red Cliff Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indians (1938)
- Constitution and By-Laws of the St Croix
Chippewa Indians of Wisconsin (1942)
- Constitution and Bylaws of the Chippewa
Cree Indians of the Rocky Boy's Reservation Montana (1935)
- Corporate Charter of the Chippewa
Cree Tribe of the Rocky Boy's Reservation Montana (1936)
- Corporate Charter of the Port Gamble Band
of Clallam Indians of the Port Gample Indian Community
Washington (1941)
- Constitution and Bylaws of the Lac
Du Flambeau Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indians of
Wisconsin (1936)
- Corporate Charter of the Lac Du
Flambeau Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indians of Wisconsin (1937)
- Charter of Organization of the Mille Lacs
Band of Chippewa Indians (1939)
- Constitution and Bylaws of the Minnesota
Chippewa Tribe Minnesota (1936)
- Corporate Charter of the Minnesota
Chippewa Tribe of the Consolidated Chippewa Agency Minnesota (1937)
- Constitution and By-Laws of the Saginaw Chippewa
Indian Tribe of Michigan (1937)
- Corporate Charter of the Saganaw Chippewa
Indian Tribe of the Isabella Reservation of Michigan (1937)
- Constitution and By-Laws of the
Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians (1945)
- Constitution and Bylaws of the Coeur
D'Alene Tribe Idaho (1947)
- Constitution and By-Laws of the Colorado
River Indian Tribes of the Colorado River Reservation Arizona
and Colorado (1937)
- Constitution and By-Laws of the Covelo
Indian Community California (1936)
- Corporate Charter of the Covelo Indian
Community California (1937)
- Constitution and Bylaws of the Crow
Creek Sioux Tribe of Fort Thompson South Dakota (1949)
- Constitution and Bylaws of the Fort
Belknap Indian Community of the Fort Belknap Reservation
Montana (1935)
- Corporate Charter of the Fort
Belknap Indian Community of the Fort Belknap Reservation
Montana (1937)
- Constitution and Bylaws of the Three
Affiliated Tribes of the Fort Berthold Reservation North
Dakota (1936)
- Corporate Charter of the Three
Affiliated Tribes of the Fort Berthold Reservation North
Dakota (1937)
- Constitution and By-Laws of the Fort
Bidwell Reservation California (1936)
- Constitution and Bylaws of the Fort
McDermitt Paiute and Shoshone Tribe Nevada (1936)
- Corporate Charter of the Fort
McDermitt Paiute and Shoshone Tribe of the Fort McDermitt
Indian Reservation Nevada (1936)
- Constitution and By-Laws of the
Fort McDowell Mohave-Apache Community Arizona (1936)
- Constitution and Bylaws of the Gila
River Indian Community, Arizona (1960)
- Constitution and By-Laws of the Gila
River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community, Arizona (1936)
- Corporate Charter of the Gila River
Pima-Maricopa Indian Community, Arizona (1938)
- Constitution and By-Laws of the
Confederated Tribes of the Goshute Reservation, Utah (1940)
- Corporate Charter of the
Confederated Tribes of the Goshute Reservation, Utah (1941)
- Constitution and Bylaws of the Confederated
Tribes of the Grand Ronde Community Oregon (1936)
- Corporate Charter of the Confederated Tribes of the Grand
Ronde Community Oregon (1936)
- Constitution and Bylaws of the Hannahville
Indian Community Michigan (1936)
- Corporate Charter of the Hannahville
Indian Comunity Michigan (1937)
- Constitution and By-Laws of the Havasupai Tribe
of the Havasupai Reservation Arizona (1939)
- Corporate Charter of the Havasupai
Tribe of the Havasupai Reservation, Arizona (1946)
- Constitution and By-Laws of the Hopi
Tribe Arizona (1936)
- Constitution and By-Laws of the Hualapai Tribe
of the Hualapai Reservation Arizona (1938)
- Corporate Charter of the Hualapai Tribe
of the Hualapai Reservation, Arizona (1943)
- Amended Constitution and Bylaws of the Hualapai Tribe
of the Hualapai Reservation Arizona (1955)
- Amended Corporate Charter of the Hualapai Tribe
of the Hualapai Reservation Arizona (1955)
- Constitution and By-Laws of the Iowa
Tribe of Indians of the Iowa Reservation in Kansas and Nebraska (1937)
- Corporate Charter of the Iowa
Tribe of Indians of the Iowa Reservation in Nebraska and Kansas (1937)
- Constitution and By-Laws of the Iowa Tribe
of Oklahoma (1937)
- Corporate Charter of the Iowa Tribe
of Oklahoma (1938)
- A Constitution for Isleta Pueblo
New Mexico (1947)
- Constitution and By-Laws of the Kalispel
Indian Community of the Kalispel Reservation Washington (1938)
- Corporate Charter of the Kalispel
Indian Community of the Kalispel Reservation Washington (1938)
- Constitution and By-Laws of the Kanosh
Band of Paiute Indians of the Kanosh Indian Community (1942)
- Constitution and By-Laws of the Keweenaw
Bay Indian Community Michigan (1936)
- Corporate Charter of the Keweenaw Bay
Indian Community of the L'Anse Reservation Michigan (1937)
- Constitution and By-Laws of the Kialegee
Tribal Town Oklahoma (1941)
- Corporate Charter of the Kialegee
Tribal Town Oklahoma (1942)
- Constitution and By-Laws of the Kickapoo
Tribe of Indians of the Kickapoo Reservation in Kansas (1937)
- Constitution and By-Laws of the Kickapoo
Tribe of Oklahoma (1937)
- Corporate Charter of the Kickapoo
Tribe of Oklahoma (1938)
- Constitution and Bylaws of the Kootenai
Tribe of Idaho (1947)
- Constitution and Bylaws of the Confederated
Salish and Kootenai Tribes of the Flathead Reservation Montana
- Corporate Charter of the Salish and
Kootenai Tribes of the Flathead Reservation Montana (1936)
- Constitution and Bylaws of the Lummi
Tribe of the Lummi Reservation Washinton (1948)
- Constitution and Bylaws of the Makah
Indian Tribe of the Makah Indian Reservation Washington (1936)
- Corporate Charter of the Makah
Indian Tribe of the Makah Indian Reservation Washington (1937)
- Constitution and By-Laws of the Fort
McDowell Mohave-Apache Community Arizona (1936)
- Constitution and By-Laws of the Me-wuk
Indian Community of the Wilton Rancheria California (1936)
- Constitution and Bylaws of the Tuolumne
Band of Me-wuk Indians of the Tuolumne Rancheria California (1936)
- Corporate Charter of the Tuolumne Band of
Me-Wuk Indians of the Tuolumne Rancheria California (1937)
- Constitution and By-Laws of the Miami
Tribe of Oklahoma (1939)
- Corporate Charter of the Miami Tribe
of Oklahoma (1940)
- Corporate Charter of the Fort McDowell Mohave-Apache
Community Arizona (1938)
- Constitution and By-Laws of the Agua
Caliente Band of Mission Indians California (1957)
- Constitution and Bylaws of the Muckleshoot
Indian Tribe of the Muckleshoot Reservation Washington (1936)
- Corporate Charter of the Muckleshoot
Indian Tribe of the Muckleshoot Reservation Washington (1936)
- Constitution and Bylaws of the Nisqually
Indian Community of the Nisqually Reservation Washington (1946)
- Constitution and Bylaws of the Omaha
Tribe of Nebraska (1936)
- Corporate Charter of the Omaha
Tribe of Nebraska (1936)
- Constitution and By-Laws of the Oneida
Tribe of Indians of Wisconsin (1936)
- Corporate Charter of the Oneida
Tribe of Indians of Wisconsin of the Oneida Reservation (1937)
- Constitution and By-Laws of the Ottawa
Tribe of Oklahoma (1938)
- Corporate Charter of the Ottawa Tribe
of Oklahoma (1939)
- Constitution and Bylaws of the Fort
McDermitt Paiute and Shoshone Tribe (1936)
- Corporate Charter of the Fort McDermitt
Paiute and Shoshone Tribe Nevada (1936)
- Constitution and By-Laws of the Kanosh
Band of Paiute Indians of the Kanosh Indian Community (1942)
- Corporate Charter of the Kanosh Band of
Paiute Indians of the Kanosh Reservation Utah (1943)
- Constitution and By-Laws of the Moapa
Band of Paiute Indians of the Moapa River Reservation Nevada (1942)
- Corporate Charter of the Moapa Band of
Paiute Indians of the Moapa River Reservation, Nevada (1942)
- Constitution and By-Laws of the Salt
River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community, Arizona (1940)
- Constitution and By-Laws of the Pyramid Lake
Paiute Tribe Nevada (1936)
- Corporate Charter of the Pyramid Lake Paiute
Tribe of the Pyramid Lake Reservation Nevada (1936)
- Constitution and Bylaws of the Shoshone-Paiute
Tribes of the Duck Valley Reservation Nevada (1936)
- Corporate Charter of the Shoshone-Paiute
Tribes of the Duck Valley Reservations of Idaho and Nevada (1936)
- Constitution and By-Laws of the Shivwits
Band of Paiute of the Shivwits Reservation Utah (1940)
- Corporate Charter of the Shivwits Band
of Paiute Indians of the Shivwits Reservation Utah (1941)
- Constitution and By-Laws of the Walker
River Paiute Tribe of Nevada (1937)
- Corporate Charter of the Walker River Pauite
Tribe of the Walker Reservation Nevada (1937)
- Constitution and By-Laws of the Yerington Pauite
Tribe Nevada (1937)
- Corporate Charter of the Yerington Pauite
Tribe of the State of Nevada (1937)
- Constitution and By-Laws of the Papago
Tribe of Arizona (1937)
- Constitution and By-Laws of the Pawnee Indians
of Oklahoma (1938)
- Corporate Charter of the Pawnee
Indian Tribe of Oklahoma (1938)
- Constitution and By-Laws of the Peoria
Tribe of Indians of Oklahoma (1939)
- Corporate Charter of the Peoria
Tribe of Indians Oklahoma (1940)
- Constitution and By-Laws of the Big
Valley Band of Pomo Indians of the Big Valley Rancheria
California (1936)
- Corporate Charter of the Big Valley Band
of Pomo Indians of the Big Valley Rancheria California (1941)
- Constitution and By-laws of the Kashia
Band of Pomo Indians of the Stewarts Point Rancheria
California (1936)
- Constitution and ByLaws of the Manchester
Band of Pomo Indians of the Manchester Ranch California (1936)
- Corporate Charter of the Manchester
Band of Pomo Indians of the Manchester Rancheria (1937)
- Constitution and By-Laws of the Upper
Lake Pomo Indian Community (1941)
- Corporate Charter of the Upper Lake Pomo Indian
Community (1942)
- Constitution and By-Laws of the Upper
Lake Band of Pomo Indians of the Upper Lake Rancheria
California (1936)
- Constitution and Bylaws of the Ponca
Tribe of Native Americans of Nebraska (1936)
- Corporate Charter of the Ponca
Tribe of Native Americans Nebraska (1936)
- Constitution and Bylaws of the Ponca
Tribe of Indians Oklahoma (1950)
- Corporate Charter of the Ponca
Indian Tribe Oklahoma (1950)
- Constitution and By-Laws of the Port
Gamble Indian Community Washington (1939)
- Constitution and By-Laws of the Citizen
Band of Potawatomi Indians Oklahoma (1938)
- Corporate Charter of the Citizen
Potawatomi Nation (1938)
- Constitution and By-Laws of the Forest
County Potawatomi Community, Wisconsin (1937)
- Corporate Charter of the Forest
County Potawatomi Community, Wisconsin (1937)
- Constitution and Bylaws of the Prairie
Island Indian Community in Minnesota (1936)
- Corporate Charter of the Prairie Island
Indian Community in the state of Minnesota (1937)
- Constitution and By-Laws of the Pueblo
of Laguna in New Mexico (1949)
- Amended Constitution and Bylaws of the Pueblo
of Laguna in New Mexico (1958)
- Constitution and Bylaws of the Puyallup
Tribe of the Puyallup Reservation Washington (1936)
- Constitution and By-Laws of the Quartz
Valley Indian Community California (1939)
- Corporate Charter of the Quartz
Valley Indian Community California (1940)
- Constitution and By-Laws of the Quechan
Tribe of the Fort Yuma Reservation California (1936)
- Constitution and By-Laws of the Quileute
Tribe of the Quileute Reservation Washington (1936)
- Corporate Charter of the Quileute Indian
Tribe of the Quileute Indian Reservation Washington (1937)
- Constitution and By-Laws of the Reno-Sparks
Indian Colony Nevada (1936)
- Corporate Charter of the Reno-Sparks
Indian Colony of the State of Nevada (1938)
- Constitution and By-Laws of the Sac and
Fox Tribe of Missouri of the Sac and Fox Reservation in Kansas
and Nebraska (1937)
- Constitution and By-Laws of the Sac
and Fox Tribe of the Mississippi in Iowa (1937)
- Constitution and By-Laws of the Sac
and Fox Tribe of Indians of Oklahoma (1937)
- Corporate Charter of the Sac and
Fox Tribe of Missouri of the Sac and Fox Reservation in Kansas
and Nebraska (1937)
- Constitution and Bylaws of the Confederated
Salish and Kootenai Tribes of the Flathead Reservation Montana (1935)
- Amendment to the Constitution and By-Laws of the Confederated
Salish and Kootenai Tribes of the Flathead Reservation (1948)
- Corporate Charter of the Salish and
Kootenai Tribes of the Flathead Reservation Montana (1936)
- Corporate Charter of the Santee Sioux
Tribe of Nebraska (1936)
- Constitution and Bylaws of the Seminole
Tribe of Florida (1957)
- Constitution and Bylaws of the Seneca-Cayuga
Tribe of Oklahoma (1937)
- Corporate Charter of the Seneca-Cayuga
Tribe of Oklahoma (1937)
- Constitution and By-Laws of the Eastern
Shawnee Tribe of Oklahoma (1939)
- Corporate Charter of the Eastern Shawnee
Tribe of Oklahoma (1940)
- Constitution and Bylaws for the Shoshone-Bannock
Tribes of the Fort Hall Reservation Idaho (1936)
- Corporate Charter of the Shoshone-Bannnock
Trubes of the Fort Hall Reservation Idaho (1937)
- Constitution and By-Laws of the Duckwater
Shoshone Tribe of the Duckwater Reservation Nevada (1940)
- Corporate Charter of the Duckwater Shoshone
Tribe of the Duckwater Reservation, Nevada (1940)
- Constitution and Bylaws of the Shoshone-Pauite
Tribes of the Duck Valley Reservation Nevada (1936)
- Corporate Charter of the Shoshone-Pauite
Tribes of the Duck Valley Reservations of Idaho and Nevada (1936)
- Constitution and By-Laws of the Skokomish
Indian Tribe of the Skokomish Reservation Washington (1938)
- Constitution and Bylaws of the Pueblo of
Santa Clara New Mexico (1935)
- Constitution and Bylaws of the Santee Sioux
Tribe of the Sioux Nation of the State of Nebraska (1936)
- Constitution and By-Laws of the Stockbridge
Munsee Community Wisconsin (1937)
- Corporate Charter of the Stockbridge
Munsee Community of Wisconsin (1936)
- Constitution and By-Laws of the Te-Moak
Bands of Western Shoshone Indians Nevada (1938)
- Corporate Charter of the Te-Moak Bands of
Western Shoshone Indians Nevada (1938)
- Constitution and By-Laws of the Yomba Shoshone
Tribe of the Yomba Reservation Nevada (1939)
- Corporate Charter of the Yomba Shoshone
Tribe of the Yomba Reservation Nevada (1939)
- Constitution and Bylaws of the Fort
McDermitt Paiute and Shoshone Tribe (1936)
- Constitution and Bylaws of the Fort
McDermitt Paiute and Shoshone Tribe Nevada (1936)
- Corporate Charter of the Fort McDermitt
Paiute and Shoshone Tribe Nevada (1936)
- Corporate Charter of the Yerington Paiute
Tribe of the state of Nevada (1937)
- Constitution and By-Laws of the Cheyenne
River Sioux Tribe South Dakota (1935)
- Constitution and Bylaws of the Devil's
Lake Sioux Tribe North Dakota (1946)
- Constitution and Bylaws of the Flandreau
Santee Sioux Tribe South Dakota (1936)
- Corporate Charter of the Flandreau
Santee Sioux Tribe South Dakota (1936)
- Corporate Charter of the Lower Sioux
Indian Community in Minnesota (1937)
- Constitution and Bylaws of the Lower
Brule Sioux Tribe of Lower Brule Reservation (1935) and
(Amendment 1942)
- Corporate Charter of the Lower Brule Sioux
Tribe South Dakota (1936)
- Constitution and Bylaws of the Lower
Sioux Indian Community in Minnesota (1936)
- Constitution and By-Laws of the Oglala Sioux
Tribe of the Pine Ridge Reservation South Dakota (1936)
- Corporate Charter of the Rosebud Sioux
Tribe South Dakota (1937)
- Constitution and Bylaws of the Sisseton-Wahpeton
Sioux Tribe South Dakota (1946)
- Constitution and By-Laws of the Skokomish
Indian Tribe of the Skokomish Reservation Washington (1938)
- Constitution and Bylaws of the Spokane
Tribe of the Spokane Reservation Washington (1951)
- Constitution and By-Laws of the Swinomish
Indians of the Swinomish Reservation Washington (1936)
- Corporate Charter of the Swinomish
Indian Tribal Community Washington (1936)
- Constitution and By-Laws of the Thlopthlocco
Tribal Town Oklahoma (1938)
- Corporate Charter of the Thlopthlocco
Tribal Town Oklahoma (1939)
- Constitution and By-Laws of the Tonkawa
Tribe of Indians of Oklahoma (1938)
- Constitution and By-Laws for the Tulalip
Tribes of the Tulalip Reservation Washington (1936)
- Corporate Charter of the Tulalip
Tribes of the Tulalip Reservation Washington (1936)
- Constitution and By-Laws of the Tule
River Indian Tribe (1936)
- Constitution and Bylaws of the Umatilla
Reservation in Oregon (1949)
- Constitution and Bylaws of the Ute
Indian Tribe of the Unitah and Ouray Reservation Utah (1937)
- Corporate Charter of the Ute Indian
Tribe of the Uintah and Ouray Reservation Utah (1938)
- Constitution and By-Laws of the Ute
Mountain Tribe Ute Mountain Reservation Colorado, New Mexico,
Utah (1940)
- Constitution and By-Laws of the Southern
Ute Tribe of the Southern Ute Reservation Colorado (1936)
- Corporate Charter of the Southern Ute
Tribe, Colorado (1938)
- Constitution and By-Laws of the Confederated
Tribes of the Warm Springs Reservation of Oregon (1936)
- Corporate Charter of the Confederated
Tribes of the Warm Springs Reservation of Oregon (1936)
- Constitution and By-Laws of the Washoe
Tribe Nevada and California (1938)
- Corporate Charter of the Washoe Tribe
Nevada and California (1937)
- Constitution and Bylaws of the Winnebago
Tribe Winnebago Reservation in the State of Nebraska (1936)
- Corporate Charter of the Winnebago
Tribe of Nebraska (1936)
- Constitution and By-Laws of the Wyandotte
Tribe of Oklahoma (1937)
- Corporate Charter of the Wyandotte
Tribe of Oklahoma (1937)
- Constitution and By-Laws of the Cahil Dehe
Band of Wintun Indians of the Colusa Indian Community
California (1941)
- Corporate Charter of the Cahil Dehe Band
of Wintun Indians of the Colusa Indian Community (1941)
- Constitution and By-Laws of the Yavapai-Apache
Indian Community Arizona (1937)
- Corporate Charter of the Yavapai-Apache
Indian Community of the Camp Verde Reservation Arizona (1948)
- Constitution and By-Laws of the Yomba
Shoshone Tribe of the Yomba Reservation Nevada (1939)
Curated by:
Marilyn K. Nicely, Retired Law Librarian: