26.1 SECTION 1: AUTHORITY AND PURPOSE(a) To provide for the welfare, care and protection of the children of the Red Cliff Tribe;
(b) To preserve the unity of the family, preferably by separating the children from his/her parents only when necessary;
(c) To facilitate return of tribal children to the jurisdiction of the Tribe.
(a) Termination of Parental Rights
(b) Adoption
(c) Custody
(d) Guardianship
(a) A minor who is domiciled on or a resident of the reservation before a state court in a child custody proceeding pursuant to the Indian Child Welfare Act, 25 U.S.C. sec. 1911(a); or
(b) A minor who is not domiciled on or a resident of the reservation before state court in a child custody proceeding pursuant ot the Indian Child Welfare Act, 25 U.S.C. sec. 1911(b) where transfer of jurisdiction has been requested and accepted.
(a) Has no parent, guardian or custodian available and willing to care for him/her; or
(b) Has suffered or is likely to certainly suffer a physical or emotional injury, inflicted on him/her by other than accidental means, which causes or creates a substantial risk of death, disfigurement, impairment of bodily functions; or
(c) Has not been provided with adequate food, clothing, shelter, medical care, education or supervision by his/her parents, guardian or custodian necessary for his/her health and well-being; or
(d) Has been sexually abused or exploited; or
(e) Has been emotionally abused or neglected; or
(f) Is habitually truant from home or school; or
(g) Has violated tribal laws relating to intoxicating beverages, controlled substances, or curfew.
(a) The minor and the appointed guardian ad litem or other representative.
(b) The minors parents, custodian, or guardian.
(c) The Tribe.
(d) Any other tribal government or non-tribal child welfare agency having an independent legal interest in the welfare of the minor.
(a) A citation to the specific stautory provisions of this Code which gives the Childrens Court jurisdiction of the proceedings; and
(b) Name, age, address, and tribal affiliations of the minor who is the subject of the complaint.
(c) A plain and concise statement of the facts upon which the allegations are based, including the date, time and location at which the alleged events occurred or circumstances arose.
(a) The allegations against him/her;
(b) The right to an attorney;
(c) The right to testify or remain silent and that any statement made by him/her may be used against him/her;
(d) The right to cross-examine witnesses;
(e) The right to subpoena witnesses on his/her own behalf; and
(f) The possible consequences if the allegations of the complaint are found to be true.
(a) Recommend that no further action be taken; or
(b) Suggest to the minor, his/her parent, guardian, or custodian that they appear for an informal hearing pursuant to Section 16 of this Code; or
(c) Recommend that the presenting officer file a petition pursuant to Section 17 of this Code in the Childrens Court to initiate further proceedings. The petition shall be filed within forty-eight (48) hours if the minor Is in shelter care. If the minor has been previously released to his parent, guardian, or custodian, relative or responsible adult, the petition shall be filed within ten (10) days.
(a) Whether probable cause exists to believe the minor is a minor-in-need-of-care; and
(b) Whether continued shelter care is necessary pending further proceedings.
(a) Probable cause exists to believe the minor is a minor-in-need-of-care; and
(b) The minor is suffering from an illness or injury, and no parent, guardian, or custodian, or other person is providing adequate care of him/her;
(c) The minor is in immediate danger from his/her surroundings, and removal is necessary for his/her safety or well-being;
(d) The minor will be subject to inquiry by others if not placed in the custody of the Court;
(e) The minor has been abandoned by his/her parent, guardian, or custodian; or
(f) No parent, guardian, custodian or other person is able or willing to provide adequate supervision and care for the minor.
(a) The name of the Court;
(b) The title of the proceeding;
(c) A brief statement of the alleged circumstances upon which the minor-in-need-of-care allegation is based; and
(d) The date, time, place and purpose of the preliminary inquiry.
(a) The admitted facts bring the case within the jurisdiction of the Childrens Court; and
(b) An informal adjustment of the matter would be in the best interest of the minor and the Tribe, and
(c) The minor and his/her parent, guardian, or custodian, consent to an informal adjustment with knowledge that the consent is voluntary and revocable at will.
(a) The name of the Court; and
(b) The title of the proceedings; and
(c) A brief statement of the alleged circumstances upon which the minor-in-need-of-care allegation is based; and
(a) The name, birthdate, tribal affiliations, and residence of the minor;
(b) The names and residences of the minors parent, guardian, or custodian;
(c) A citation to the specific provision of this Code which gives the Childrens Court jurisdiction of the proceedings; and
(d) If the minor is in shelter care, the place of shelter care and the time s/he was taken into custody.
(a) The minor;
(b) The minors parent, guardian, or custodian; and
(c) Any person the Court believes necessary for the proper adjudication of the hearing who is within the courts jurisdiction.
(a) Services that are appropriate and available from or through the Tribe and how such services have or have not been effective;
(b) Social history of the Child;
(c) A recommended plan of treatment, rehabilitation, and care that preserves the least restrictive environment appropriate for the child and is most likely to preserve and protect the childs family unit;
(d) Care, service, or treatment providers under the plan; and
(e) The needs of the child and how the objectives of the plan will meet those needs.
(a) Services available through the Tribe for and provided in an effort to prevent the out of home placement;
(b) Services available through the Tribe to facilitate a return to the minors home;
(c) Description of the minors previous or planned future placements and how such placement has met or will meet the needs or facilitate the return home of the child;
(d) Assessment of the appropriateness of any out of home placement and the goals to be met by such placement; and
(e) Conditions upon which the minor will be returned to the home including any changes in the conduct of the child or parent or in the conditions of the home.
(a) Appearances at the hearing;
(b) Disposition from among the alternatives provided by law;
(c) The duration of the order, not to exceed six (6) months; and
(d) Placement of the minor, except that the placement may be made after the hearing and upon notice to all parties, the location of the child shall be made a part of the record. The Court may limit disclosure of the minors whereabouts if necessary to protect the minor.
(a) Permit the minor to remain with his/her parents, guardian, or custodian, subject to such limitations and conditions as the Court may prescribe, which may include counseling, restitution, community service, treatment, or other conditions or conduct;
(b) Place the minor with an extended family member within the external boundaries of the reservation subject to such limitations and conditions as the Court may prescribe;
(c) Place the minor in a foster home within the external boundaries of the reservation which has been licensed or approved by the Tribe subject to such limitations and conditions as the Court may prescribe;
(d) Place the minor in shelter care facilities designated by the Court;
(e) Place the minor in a foster home or an extended family members home outside the external boundaires of the reservation subject to such limitations and conditions as the Court may prescribe;
(f) Transfer legal custody to an agency responsible for the care of minor-in-need-of--care children or to an extended family member or other person who the Court finds to be qualified to receive and care for the child;
(g) Appoint a guardian for the minor under supervision of the Court;
(h) Recommend that termination proceedings begin.
(a) Place the minor with an extended family member;
(b) Place the minor in a foster home or shelter care facility which has been approved by the Tribe; or
(c) Proceed to the adoption section of this Code.
(a) Extended family member;
(b) A member or person eligible for membership in the Red Cliff Tribe;
(c) A member of another Indian Tribe; and
(d) If this order or preference cannot be met, then placement may be made with any person who has knowledge of the childs Tribal Affiliation and his or her special needs.
(a) Abandonment of the child;
(b) Willful and repeated risk to the child of death, disfigurement, or impairment of bodily functions;
(c) Willful and repeated acts of sexual abuse;
(d) Relinquishment of parental rights acknowledged before the Court; or
(e) Failure for a period of two (2) years or more to correct the conditions that led to court ordered out of home placement.
(a) The parent has abandoned his or her child;
(b) The parents rights have been terminated;
(c) The parent has relinquished his or her parental rights; or
(d) The parent has been declared incompetent.
(a) The biological or adoptive mother; or
(b) The biological, adoptive, or acknowledged father; or
(c) The custodian, if empowered to consent; or
(d) The Court, if the custodian is not empowered to consent; and
(e) The minor, if s/he is over twelve (12) years of age.
(a) Validity of written consent;
(b) Termination of parental rights order;
(c) Length of time of the minors wardship by the court;
(d) Special conditions of the minor;
(e) Parent communication with the minor;
(f) Minors consent to adoption, if the minor is over twelve (12) years of age;
(g) Pre--petition reports; and