Alaska Native Communities and Cooperatives |
Alaska Community |
Official Name of Organization |
Constitution Approved |
Charter Ratified |
Population |
Angoon | The Angoon Community Association | Nov. 15, 1939 | Nov. 15, 1939 | 347 |
Atka | The Native Village of Atka | May 23, 1939 | May 23, 1938 | 91 |
Barrow | The Native Village of Barrow | May 21, 1940 | May 21, 1940 | 386 |
Chanega | The Native Village of Chanega | Feb. 3, 1940 | Feb 3, 1940 | 100 |
Chilkat | See Klukwan | |||
Craig | The
Craig Community Association of Craig, Alaska |
Oct. 8, 1938 | Oct. 8, 1938 | 201 |
Deering | The Native Village of Deering | Oct. 26, 1945 | Oct. 26, 1945 | 177 |
Diomede | The Native Village of Diomede | Jan. 31, 1940 | Jan. 30, 1940 | 126 |
Douglas | The Douglas Indian Association | Nov. 24, 1941 | Nov. 24, 1941 | 232 |
Elim | The Native Village of Elim | Nov. 24, 1939 | Nov. 24, 1939 | 98 |
Fort Yukon | The Native Village of Fort Yukon | Jan. 2, 1940 | Jan. 2, 1940 | 320 |
Gambell | The Native Village of Gambell | Dec. 31, 1939 | Dec. 31, 1939 | 290 |
Haines | The Chilkoot Indian Association | Dec. 5, 1941 | Dec. 5, 1941 | 106 |
Hoonah | The Hoonah Indian Association | Oct. 23, 1939 | Oct. 23, 1939 | 590 |
Hydaburg | The
Hydaburg Cooperative Association of Alaska |
Apr. 14, 1938 | Apr. 14, 1938 | 329 |
Kanatak | The Native Village of Kanatak | Mar. 1, 1940 | Mar.1, 1940 | 60 |
Karluk | The Native Village of Karluk | Aug. 23, 1939 | Aug. 23, 1939 | 192 |
Kasaan | The Organized Village of Kasaan | Oct. 15, 1938 | Oct. 15, 938 | 83 |
Ketchikan | The Ketchikan Indian Corporation | Jan. 27, 1940 | Jan. 27, 1940 | 787 |
King Island | The King Island Native Community | Jan. 31, 1939 | Jan. 31, 1939 | 192 |
Kivalina | The Native Village of Kivalina | Feb. 7, 1940 | Feb. 7, 1940 | 144 |
Klawock | The
Klawock Cooperative Association of Alaska |
Oct. 4, 1938 | Oct. 4, 1938 | 277 |
Klukwan | The Chilkat Indian Village | Mar. 27, 1941 | Mar. 27, 1941 | 115 |
Kwethluk | The Native Village of Kwethluk | Jan. 11, 1940 | Jan. 11, 1940 | 172 |
Mekoryuk | The Native Village of Mekoyruk | Aug. 24, 1940 | Aug. 24, 1940 | 133 |
Metlakatla | The Metlakata Indian Community | Dec. 19, 1944 | Dec. 19, 1944 | 700 |
Minto | The Native Village of Minto | Dec. 30, 1939 | Dec. 30, 1939 | 128 |
Napakiak | The Native Village of Napakiak | July 29, 1946 | July 29, 1946 | 121 |
Nikolski | The Native Village of Nikolski | June 12 1939 | June 12, 1939 | 87 |
Noatak | The Native Village of Noatak | Dec. 28, 1939 | Dec. 28, 1939 | 350 |
Nome | The Nome Eskimo Community | Nov. 23, 1939 | Nov. 23, 1939 | 508 |
Noorvik | The Noorvik Native Community | Dec. 27, 1939 | Dec. 27, 1939 | 221 |
Nunapitchuk | The Native Village of Nunapitchuk | Jan. 2, 1940 | Jan. 2, 1940 | 140 |
Point Hope | The Native Village of Point Hope | Feb. 29, 1940 | Feb. 29, 1940 | 247 |
Point Lay | The Native Village of Point Lay | Mar. 22, 1946 | Mar. 22, 1946 | 90 |
Saxman | The Native Village of Saxman | Jan. 14, 1941 | Jan. 14, 1941 | 99 |
Alaska Community |
Official Name of Organization |
Constitution Approved |
Charter Ratified |
Population |
Selawik | The Native Village of Selawik | Mar. 15, 1940 | Mar. 15, 1940 | 290 |
Shaktoolik | The Native Village of Shaktoolik | Jan. 27, 1940 | Jan. 27, 1940 | 122 |
Shishmaref | The Native Village of Shismaref | Aug. 2, 1939 | Aug. 2, 1939 | 235 |
Shungnak | The Native Village of Shungnak | Jul. 24, 1946 | Jul. 24, 1946 | |
Sitka | The
Sitka Community Association of Alaska |
Oct. 11, 1938 | Oct. 11, 1938 | 620 |
Stebbins | The Stebins Community Association | Dec. 5, 1939 | Dec. 5, 1939 | 104 |
Stevens | The Native Village of Stevens | Dec. 30, 1939 | Dec. 30, 1939 | 92 |
Tanacross | The Native Village of Tanacross | Jan. 5, 1942 | Jan. 5, 1942 | 109 |
Tetlin | The Native Village of Tetlin | Mar. 26, 1940 | Mar. 26, 1940 | 81 |
Tyonek | The Native Village of Tyonek | Nov. 27, 1939 | Nov. 27, 1939 | 101 |
Unalakleet | The Native Village of Unalakeet | Dec. 30, 1939 | Dec. 30, 1939 | 307 |
Venetie | The Native Village of Venetie | Jan. 25, 1939 | Jan. 25, 1939 | 86 |
Wales | The Native Village of Wales | July 29, 1939 | July 29, 1939 | 189 |
White Mountain | The Native Village of White Mountain | Nov. 25, 1939 | Nov. 25, 1939 | 174 |
TOTAL | 10,899 |
This list is subject to change. A number of the tribes which have accepted the act have not yet adopted constitutions of charters. Any Oklahoma tribe or Alaska village may organize at any time.